
Day 18

Around 8:30 last night Steve decided that we should drive out west to take some pictures.  It had been cloudy all day, but late in the afternoon it cleared and the sun was going to be setting soon.  Summer sunsets are incredible- they have that amazing light that seems to coat everything in honey.  It almost makes you believe that if you stuck your tongue out and caught a bit of sunlight, it would taste sweet.  I love that they last for hours, although last night it really didn't last long enough.

When we headed out, Steve drove and I was supposed to keep my eye for for places to stop.  I think this was our first mistake.  No one should ever let me decide when to stop because we never will.  I have this weird character flaw where I cannot, for the life of me, bring myself to say "this is where we'll stop for {lunch | shopping | gas | pictures}".  There might be something life-altering right around the corner, and if I decide to stop early we'll miss it.  I couldn't live with myself!

This makes us absolutely miserable when we travel.  I drag us down street after street, starving, but refusing to stop for food anywhere.  That menu has too many options but the next doesn't have enough.  I don't want to have to wait for a table where it's busy, but worry that the slow places are slow for a reason.

Last night was not much different (just no food involved).  Every view was amazing and each scene perfectly lit.  I wanted to stop at every turn, but something better might be just a bit further down the road.

By the time we got into the mountains, the sun was just dropping behind.  I wish this was one of those "I had time for just one shot and it was the shot of a lifetime" posts but, unfortunately, it's not.  We were really and truly too late.

So I did what any rational human being would do- I blamed Steve.  He was driving, so he should have decided when to pull over.  And he should know that I can't make decisions like that!  Really, it was his fault for even asking me.  (I never said decision making was my only character flaw.)

We headed back towards the city in silence but after a few miles, Steve had enough of my pouting (which he knew would get worse if we didn't stop for a single photo) and pulled into the turnoff for a little historical chapel.  I didn't want to get out of the car and only did so begrudgingly, grumbling something about how stupid this was.  I hate to admit that he knows me this well, but I don't think I had even closed the car door before I had forgotten to be crabby.  Tantrum?  Who, me??

There still wasn't much light, but just enough to get a couple of frames.  Don't tell Steve I told you this, but I'm glad he was right.

Have a great day :)

Hearts & Photos

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