
Day 35

The two days we spent shooting these images was so much fun.  I decided that we should get up bright and early so we could use the window sill of a restaurant downtown to frame our shots.  I'm not sure they would have appreciated this during the lunch hour rush.

See?  Neat window, huh?

Laelia was doing surprisingly well considering this was the earliest she had been awake in about 3 years.
If you look closely, you can see that she's actually sleepwalking.

I had to stand in the street to get these shots and Laelia usually warned me about oncoming traffic.  I'm assuming the times she forgot was retribution for making her get out of bed so early.

A police car was doing laps around the block while we were shooting to make sure we weren't the world's worst cat-burglars.

But it was worth it for the amazing light!

This little lady decided to join in the fun.  We didn't mind.

I'm really excited to start shooting more portraits!  I'll be on the west coast at the beginning of September, so all you vancouver/ vancouver-island-ites should give me a call!  Have a great day  :)

Hearts & Photos

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