
Day 62

I thought I'd leave you with a little something to dream about over the weekend.  Doesn't this make you want to catch the next flight to Paris?  If it's worked its magic and you do, there are a few things you should know that this photo won't tell you.

1.  This is the coldest I have ever been while taking a photo (and I'm Canadian).  My hands were rendered useless by the wind and I had to focus and shoot with the sides of my palms.  Try it- it's hard!  It didn't help that I had lost my gloves while in London the week before and was too stubborn to replace them.  Evidently, (in my addled brain at least), it's better to lose appendages than more clothes.  Although, in my defence, I had lost 3 gloves and 1 toque with just a few weeks and didn't feel like buying a new pair until Steve could attach them to string for me.  
Moral: There's a reason the French women wear so much fur, faux or otherwise.  Play along.

2.  I was on a narrow bridge downstream from Notre Dame for this shot.  There were a few other people on the street at the same time, including a couple parked and making out.  We're talking passenger-straddling-the-driver-stopped-in-the-middle-of-the-lane-diverting-traffic kinda making out.  No one blinked.
Moral:  This is normal, and since French people are generally pretty hot, be prepared to want to make out.  A lot.  There is a reason France has the highest birth rate in the European Union.  

3.  French women deserve to have skinny thighs.  Walking in heels on icy cobblestone streets was one of the hardest (also scariest) things I've every done.  It worked muscles I didn't know existed.
Moral:  It might be scary, but if you refer back to point 2, it's definitely worth it.

If you jet off to Paris tonight (or anywhere for that matter) promise to tell me about it when you get back!

Have a great weekend :)  

Hearts & Photos

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Day 61

Guess what came today!!!  There was a bit of drama when Canada Post lost all my film and my stomach tried to wrap itself around my spleen, but all's well that ends well and it's here!

I had totally forgotten about these images of the Parliament building in Victoria that I shot with my Leica but I love them!  The Parliament is lit up so beautifully at night- people from all over the world stop to photograph it.

If you're reeeeeally nice I'll even give you a couple tips that'll help you with night shots like this....  Oh you guys are too sweet- here we go!
     a) Use a tripod or at least find a bench or something to rest your camera on.  You'll won't start to worry that you have the early stages of Parkinson's and will probably use a lot fewer curse words.
     b) Take the shots at dusk- don't wait until it's too dark.  That way you get the detail in the architecture AND the lights.  Win-win!  If left until it's super dark out, the lights will be the only thing that shows up in your shot, which (if we're being honest) looks a lot more DisneyChristmas than historic landmark.  

I'd been feeling a little ambivalent towards my Leica lately, and had been thinking about trading it in for a Hasselblad XPan (which is an amazing camera) with a 30mm lens (honest to god, this lens has, like, zero distortion, which is unbelievable for such a wide-angle lens!!!) but now I think I'm just going to need both.  I better start saving!

Have a great day :)

Hearts & Photos

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Day 60

Hooray!  My film from Paris and London is being processed RIGHT NOW!  I should have it back by the end of the week.  Until then, I leave you with this polaroid of the tour d'Eiffel.    

I'll give you a minute or two to wipe the drool off of your screen.  Done?  Awesome.    

While I'd love to be on a plane headed back to Europe, we have some other (although equally exciting!) things planned this year.  I can't tell you right now what they are (I have to keep you on your toes!) so stay tuned over the next few months.  

Are any of my lovely readers planning their own big trips this year?  I'd love to hear about them!  

Have a great day :)  

Hearts & Photos

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Day 59

Fog is such a funny thing.  It's super hard to photograph on the ocean- unless you have objects at different distances in the foreground (like yesterday's shots with the pier in the background), it ends up looking like nothing.  I think that's why I love this one so much.  If you look at it for a while, you'll notice that it looks mottled.  That, my friends, is wonderful, west coast, pea-soup fog.  

Lucky?  Absolutely.  I think Mother Nature wanted to encourage my waking up so early so I would make a habit of it.

Have a great day :)

Hearts & Photos

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Day 58

First, a big thank you to our readers in Canada, the United States, New Zealand, the UK, France, Norway, Brazil, the Netherlands, Serbia, Denmark, Australia and Germany.  I can't believe there are so many of you!  And then, Happy New Year! (confetti! sparkles! fireworks! hangovers?  maybe!)  This year is already gearing up to be as busy as the last and we're stoked here at Hearts & Photos!  Now we just need to figure out how to fit everything in.

This afternoon I was reading one of my favourite blogs, Velokova, (I highly recommend checking it out if you need to be reminded how excellent life and adventures are.  This post is especially good.  Honest to God, reading it is like mainlining awesomeness) and she talked about using a big calendar to map out your entire year.  Brilliant!

I know it isn't just me- time seems to slip past really quickly and it's easy to put off things you've been dreaming of for a long time.  Moving to a new place, going on a big trip, making an important career move; somehow these fall into the "Soon" category.  Sometimes you need to be reminded to make things happen rather than wait for them to happen (thanks Leah!)

So, this is my New Year's Resolution: I promise to make my life happen and to do the things I dream of doing.  (Also, to listen to Gwyneth Paltrow and do a cleanse, although Steve just said his goal was to have more nachos and beer.  Hmm...)

What are your plans for the new year?

Have a great day :)

Hearts & Photos

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