
Day 15

Today we're taking a break from our regularly scheduled polaroid programming to bring you film!  Yes!  Actual, developed negatives!  From a camera!!  I spent all of yesterday sitting on my behind, working on my portfolio.  It's been a while (cough*a year*cough) since I updated it, and I had a bunch of images that I had shot, scanned, and swept into the dusty corners of my computer, left to languish while I avoided editing them.

Normally, I would have left this project for a day that I was supposed to be doing actual work.  If I was supposed to do dishes or had an essay to write, you wouldn't have been able to drag me away from the computer.  But Sundays are my fun day.  Every Sunday, Steve and I head down to the flea market, go for coffee, walk around Kensington and point to houses we'd like to live in.  It's our thing, and it's a nice break to get out of the house.  And trust me, after working by myself all week, I need that break.

I'm not going to lie, working at home is great.  If I want to sleep until 10 and work until 3 am, I can do it.  I can make lattes all day without spending a fortune.  I get to hang out with my pets and have manic dance parties in my kitchen without coworkers wondering whether or not they should have put 911 on speed dial.  But working at home eight hours a day is isolating.  By Thursday, I'm having full-on conversations with myself, and by Friday all I can think about is escape.

What could have convinced me to stay home and miss the freedom of the flea market, then?  Money, that's what.  A few days ago, Steve's boss mentioned that he had bought a summer home with a lot of big, empty walls.  He and his wife had been thinking about getting some art for it, and they were leaning towards landscape photographs of Western Canada to remind them of home.

It came up that that's what I do, and he said he'd like to see my portfolio.  Yikes.  I'm a little anxious.  It's nerve-wracking to give your work to someone.  You question whether your stuff is good enough, whether they're going to like it, whether you'll ever be able to make a living at it.

Hopefully they like it.  It'd be a huge boost to my ego to make a sale.  I'm trying a new portfolio format- presenting it on an iPad rather than a traditional portfolio.  I'll let you know how it goes, and how the iPad worked.  But, for now I just wait.

Until I hear back from them, I'm going to plan my escape from the house.  Maybe Steve will take a drive out to the mountains with me so we can watch the sun set.  It's a pretty amazing view and anytime you can get a photo like this, you know it was worth the trip.  Hey, if you're lucky, you might even get to see it in a year or so!

Have a great day (and wish me luck!)  :)

Hearts & Photos

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