Day 57
Hello from Paris, my dears! It's been gray and snowy here- perfect weather for une canadienne although I lost my gloves a week ago and haven't yet replaced them so my hands have been frozen into icepops.
I've considered staying here forever- the yougurt is made with cream (be still my heart!) and the butter is good enough to eat with a spoon. ANNNNND! I found a camera store, just down the street! Life is perfect, mais non?
But I must come home soon, because I've got rolls and rolls of film to develop and can't wait to show them to you.
Have a great day :)
Hearts & Photos
Day 56
Hello friends! Sorry today's post is so late- I've got a video project due and the programs I needed decided to stage a coup d'état and crash on me. Needless to say, I've been doing damage control for the last three days. Urgh.
Anyhow, yay for Mondays and exciting news! For the first time, I'm going to have this blog series available for sale on etsy!
Have a great week :)
Hearts & Photos
Hello friends! Sorry today's post is so late- I've got a video project due and the programs I needed decided to stage a coup d'état and crash on me. Needless to say, I've been doing damage control for the last three days. Urgh.
Anyhow, yay for Mondays and exciting news! For the first time, I'm going to have this blog series available for sale on etsy!
Have a great week :)
Hearts & Photos
Day 57
I'm being indecisive today, so you get to see lots of different shots!
-Calgary (Hasselblad- see the funny little ghost where my darkslide tried to make an escape? Ahh, film. I heart you.)
-Tofino (Leica)
I'm being indecisive today, so you get to see lots of different shots!
-Calgary (Hasselblad- see the funny little ghost where my darkslide tried to make an escape? Ahh, film. I heart you.)
-Tofino (Leica)
- Victoria (Hasselblad Polaroid)
Make sure you check back on Monday for the mini-series I've been working on (does that sound like a tv show? I promise you it's not!).
I know it's only November 12, but the Nutcracker has already been getting some serious airtime at at our place. It can't be helped. And then, of course, the volume gets higher and higher and the music swells and you really must spin and jump as if you're a ballerina (or ballerino, as the case may be).
I would listen to it year-round if I didn't think Steve would drive off a cliff. Watching the Nutcracker is one of the things I look forward to the most every Christmas. When I was a kid I would stay up late on Christmas Eve and watch it on the teensy old television in my room, holding the bunny ears to get better reception.
What are your favourite holiday traditions?
Hearts & Photos
vancouver island,
west coast
Day 55
Bonjour mes amis! I've made a decision about camera equipment: I'm just going to start working out. It's too hard to leave anything behind. It's only natural that as soon as I leave a camera behind, that's the one I'll want.
Have a great day :)
Hearts & Photos
photo a day,
Day 54
My friends! I haven't been ignoring you- I've just been out of town. Please, please say that you still love me! If you're on the fence perhaps this will help- part of the reason I was out of town was to bring you more pictures (lots more pictures)! I'll try to post at least one each day for the next couple of weeks. After that, posting to the blog might be a bit more sporadic since I'll be all the way across the Atlantic.
I'll make sure to do mobile uploads of my polaroids along the way, so follow me on Twitter to get the latest updates on our adventure through London and Paris.
When I get back, though, expect me to be a few inches shorter. I haven't been able to edit any gear from my bag, and right now Steve and I have 55lbs of camera equipment!!! My shoulders are already aching at the thought. Last week I was being ruthless- I weighed each piece on my kitchen scale, looked through each camera's portfolio (I organize my photos by camera as well as date, subject and location. Sometimes I scare myself) and begrudgingly decided that I would leave behind my Leica to cut back on weight. Then Friday I got the film back that included this image and the Leica snuck it's way back into my bag. Sigh...
Have a great day :)
Hearts & Photos
photo a day,
vancouver island,
west coast
Day 53
Last night I took a walk downtown and mysteriously ended up near my favourite camera shop (my subconscious is sneaky). Luckily for my wallet, the store was closed but my walk wasn't in vain. There's an old brick building just down the street whose windows I've wanted to photograph for ages but each time I try there's a car in the way.
Last night the street was gloriously empty and I got this shot (and a few more just for good measure). And wouldn't you know, just as I finished a car pulled in.
Have a great day :)
Hearts & Photos
Last night I took a walk downtown and mysteriously ended up near my favourite camera shop (my subconscious is sneaky). Luckily for my wallet, the store was closed but my walk wasn't in vain. There's an old brick building just down the street whose windows I've wanted to photograph for ages but each time I try there's a car in the way.
Last night the street was gloriously empty and I got this shot (and a few more just for good measure). And wouldn't you know, just as I finished a car pulled in.
Have a great day :)
Hearts & Photos
Day 50
Hi friends! Sorry for being MIA the last couple of weeks- I had some really big deadlines looming and didn't have any time to shoot, edit film, eat, sleep or breathe. BUT! I finished the first part of one of these projects yesterday morning and spent a glorious afternoon wandering through ikea, finagling Steve into letting me buy a Hudson Bay blanket then batting my eyelashes until he agreed to an impromptu picnic on said blanket, and meeting some great friends for drinks. Life could not get any better.
Have a great day :)
Hearts & Photos
Hi friends! Sorry for being MIA the last couple of weeks- I had some really big deadlines looming and didn't have any time to shoot, edit film, eat, sleep or breathe. BUT! I finished the first part of one of these projects yesterday morning and spent a glorious afternoon wandering through ikea, finagling Steve into letting me buy a Hudson Bay blanket then batting my eyelashes until he agreed to an impromptu picnic on said blanket, and meeting some great friends for drinks. Life could not get any better.
Have a great day :)
Hearts & Photos
Day 49
Frank Gehry's Experience Music Project in Seattle. uh-maz-ing.
Have a great day :)
Hearts & Photos
Frank Gehry's Experience Music Project in Seattle. uh-maz-ing.
Have a great day :)
Hearts & Photos
Day 47
If I was more eloquent I would explain how glad I am you were born. Luckily they say a picture is worth a thousand words (in my case, maybe ten thousand- I'm not very efficient). So here you are, my love. Happy birthday!
Hearts & Photos
If I was more eloquent I would explain how glad I am you were born. Luckily they say a picture is worth a thousand words (in my case, maybe ten thousand- I'm not very efficient). So here you are, my love. Happy birthday!
Hearts & Photos
Day 44
Steve's favourite camera is this little guy- it's was his grandpa's Rollei. Sigh... a hipster with a heart. Who could ask for more?
Also, does anyone know where I can find a some plaid wool picnic-y blankets? Craigslist has failed me for the first time ever!
Have a great day :)
Hearts & Photos
Steve's favourite camera is this little guy- it's was his grandpa's Rollei. Sigh... a hipster with a heart. Who could ask for more?
Also, does anyone know where I can find a some plaid wool picnic-y blankets? Craigslist has failed me for the first time ever!
Have a great day :)
Hearts & Photos
Day 43
It's Steve's birthday next week, so to honour 26 years of the world being a better place, we're going to have our first annual Steve-Week here at Hearts & Photos. It's kinda like Shark-Week, only better!
Marrying someone gorgeous is key to photography. It also helps if they're patient, kind, and will go for walks in the rain with you.
Having great hair helps, too.
Hearts & Photos
It's Steve's birthday next week, so to honour 26 years of the world being a better place, we're going to have our first annual Steve-Week here at Hearts & Photos. It's kinda like Shark-Week, only better!
Marrying someone gorgeous is key to photography. It also helps if they're patient, kind, and will go for walks in the rain with you.
Having great hair helps, too.
Hearts & Photos
Day 38
The guys at Yale Custom Cycles were nice enough to let us bogart their bikes and shop for this shoot. And really, ostrich leather seats? Yes, please!
Have a great day :)
Hearts & Photos
The guys at Yale Custom Cycles were nice enough to let us bogart their bikes and shop for this shoot. And really, ostrich leather seats? Yes, please!
Have a great day :)
Hearts & Photos
Day 35
The two days we spent shooting these images was so much fun. I decided that we should get up bright and early so we could use the window sill of a restaurant downtown to frame our shots. I'm not sure they would have appreciated this during the lunch hour rush.
Hearts & Photos
See? Neat window, huh? |
Laelia was doing surprisingly well considering this was the earliest she had been awake in about 3 years.
![]() |
If you look closely, you can see that she's actually sleepwalking. |
I had to stand in the street to get these shots and Laelia usually warned me about oncoming traffic. I'm assuming the times she forgot was retribution for making her get out of bed so early.
A police car was doing laps around the block while we were shooting to make sure we weren't the world's worst cat-burglars.
But it was worth it for the amazing light!
This little lady decided to join in the fun. We didn't mind.
I'm really excited to start shooting more portraits! I'll be on the west coast at the beginning of September, so all you vancouver/ vancouver-island-ites should give me a call! Have a great day :)
Hearts & Photos
Day 34
I'm pretty in love with how it looks, though. If my body doesn't revolt, I might try it again tomorrow.
Have a great day :)
Hearts & Photos
See these pictures? That's early morning sun, my friends. And that early morning sun was gorgeous, but painfully hard to wake up for.
I'm pretty in love with how it looks, though. If my body doesn't revolt, I might try it again tomorrow.
Have a great day :)
Hearts & Photos
Day 33
Even though I'm still editing the film, here is a preview of today's shoot just for you! Huge thanks to Laelia for being her gorgeous self (and bringing her amazing vintage wardrobe). Laels, you might be missing a few pieces. It's just a coincidence that the ones missing are my size.
Also, how many people do you know who can rock a shaved head and Chanel earrings?
Have a great day :)
Hearts & Photos
Even though I'm still editing the film, here is a preview of today's shoot just for you! Huge thanks to Laelia for being her gorgeous self (and bringing her amazing vintage wardrobe). Laels, you might be missing a few pieces. It's just a coincidence that the ones missing are my size.
Have a great day :)
Hearts & Photos
Day 32
We can't wait to hear from you :)
Hearts & Photos
P.S. We vow that you will never have to look at black + white images "with a splash of colour". Well, not from us anyways. We love you too much for that.
Dun da da!!! More exciting news! Hearts & Photos is now offering portraits!!!!!! I told you it was exciting :)
Now, while some of you may already be drafting an email to book me for your next 20 events, some of you may be saying "Hmm... Teryn, I like your stuff but I have questions" and that's ok. I'm here to answer anything you ask.
So obviously here at Hearts & Photos, our focus is capturing life on film. film + you = beautiful. But we like to mix mediums, too. Using a combination of polaroid, film & digital images gives our work both immediacy and endurance. Kinda like if the Tortoise and the Hare had a love child.
No matter what, we strive to present natural, organic-looking images that highlight your personality and capture atmosphere and character.
We want to chronicle every part of your life from family and engagement to your life and style. Oh, have we mentioned that we're more than happy to travel (you have been reading the blog, right?)
If you're interested and want to book a date or have questions about pricing, feel free to shoot me an email at terynrobinson (at) me (dot) com.
We can't wait to hear from you :)
Hearts & Photos
P.S. We vow that you will never have to look at black + white images "with a splash of colour". Well, not from us anyways. We love you too much for that.
Day 31
And the winner is (drumroll please!)..... AMY! Congratulations Amy!!!
Have a great day :)
Hearts & Photos
And the winner is (drumroll please!)..... AMY! Congratulations Amy!!!
Have a great day :)
Hearts & Photos
photo a day,
Day 30
Vancouver is calling my name. I'm pretty sure I could just hop a train and head west, right?
Anyhow, the last day! Ok, I'll admit it: I have been putting this post off for a little while. I'm not so fond of "finishing" projects. I'll get to the very end and lose all interest. But, just for you, here is the last picture in the photo a day project. Using very complex and scientific formulas (ie. draw the name out of a hat), tomorrow I will choose the winner!
Have a great night and good luck :)
Hearts & Photos
Vancouver is calling my name. I'm pretty sure I could just hop a train and head west, right?
Anyhow, the last day! Ok, I'll admit it: I have been putting this post off for a little while. I'm not so fond of "finishing" projects. I'll get to the very end and lose all interest. But, just for you, here is the last picture in the photo a day project. Using very complex and scientific formulas (ie. draw the name out of a hat), tomorrow I will choose the winner!
Have a great night and good luck :)
Hearts & Photos
photo a day,
Day 29
Run today! Hooray!
Only two days left in the contest. Leave a comment or follow me to win free stuff!
Have a great day :)
Hearts & Photos
Run today! Hooray!
Only two days left in the contest. Leave a comment or follow me to win free stuff!
Have a great day :)
Hearts & Photos
photo a day,
polaroid contest,
Day 28
Hi hello! Sorry I've been MIA this week. I went into a butter-induced coma over the weekend and am only now beginning to recover. I've been doing a lot of cooking lately, and I don't seem to understand the meaning of "low fat". Eggs Benedict with hollandaise sauce and swiss chard from my garden; creamy goat cheese tart with perfectly flaky pastry; strawberry tarts with homemade vanilla custard.
Geez, Teryn. Ever heard of salad? But mmm... it tastes so good that I'm happy to do a few thousand sit-ups to work it off!
Oh who am I kidding. There will be no sit-ups. If I disappear again, it's because I've relapsed. Really, who could turn down pastry?
Have a great week (and eat something deliciously bad for you!)
Hearts & Photos
UPDATE: Did I mention vegetable tian and salmon with dill creme fraiche? ohmygodidie!
Hi hello! Sorry I've been MIA this week. I went into a butter-induced coma over the weekend and am only now beginning to recover. I've been doing a lot of cooking lately, and I don't seem to understand the meaning of "low fat". Eggs Benedict with hollandaise sauce and swiss chard from my garden; creamy goat cheese tart with perfectly flaky pastry; strawberry tarts with homemade vanilla custard.
Geez, Teryn. Ever heard of salad? But mmm... it tastes so good that I'm happy to do a few thousand sit-ups to work it off!
Oh who am I kidding. There will be no sit-ups. If I disappear again, it's because I've relapsed. Really, who could turn down pastry?
Have a great week (and eat something deliciously bad for you!)
Hearts & Photos
UPDATE: Did I mention vegetable tian and salmon with dill creme fraiche? ohmygodidie!
photo a day,
vancouver island,
west coast
Day 27
The weekend at last. And a long one, at that. I can't wait for flea markets, coffee (and maybe!) a road trip. What are you looking forward to?
Happy Victoria Day :)
Hearts & Photos
The weekend at last. And a long one, at that. I can't wait for flea markets, coffee (and maybe!) a road trip. What are you looking forward to?
Happy Victoria Day :)
Hearts & Photos
photo a day,
vancouver island,
west coast
Day 26
I know, I know. I'm a pretty lucky duck for getting to live in such a beautiful place.
It's ok. I understand if you want to move here immediately. Don't worry, we've got an extra room for you to stay.
Sometimes I wish I could live everywhere, all at once. I love my home, and I'm keenly aware that's it's one of the most gorgeous places on earth, but I can't help but want to be at the coast and in the moors and in the mountains and on the Mongolian steppe NOW. Yesterday, even. I'm not sure how a heart with such wanderlust got stuck in such a lazy body. Sorry Heart.
What's the prettiest place you've ever been?
Hearts & Photos
P.S. Happy birthday, Sarah my beautiful British friend! I'm pretty sure that the time difference lets me off the hook for this being belated, right?
I know, I know. I'm a pretty lucky duck for getting to live in such a beautiful place.
It's ok. I understand if you want to move here immediately. Don't worry, we've got an extra room for you to stay.
Sometimes I wish I could live everywhere, all at once. I love my home, and I'm keenly aware that's it's one of the most gorgeous places on earth, but I can't help but want to be at the coast and in the moors and in the mountains and on the Mongolian steppe NOW. Yesterday, even. I'm not sure how a heart with such wanderlust got stuck in such a lazy body. Sorry Heart.
What's the prettiest place you've ever been?
Hearts & Photos
P.S. Happy birthday, Sarah my beautiful British friend! I'm pretty sure that the time difference lets me off the hook for this being belated, right?
photo a day
Day 25
I love this name- Seabloom. It sounds so pretty. And it makes me want to go to the ocean. Big surprise there, huh?
Only 5 days left in the contest! Comment or follow to win free stuff!
Have a great day :)
Hearts & Photos
I love this name- Seabloom. It sounds so pretty. And it makes me want to go to the ocean. Big surprise there, huh?
Only 5 days left in the contest! Comment or follow to win free stuff!
Have a great day :)
Hearts & Photos
photo a day,
Day 24
LOMO!!!! TOFINO!!! It really doesn't get any better than this. Two things before we kick today off:
1. Byran, how did you ever part with this camera?
2. Does looking at these pictures make you want to live on the beach as much as it does for me?
LOMO!!!! TOFINO!!! It really doesn't get any better than this. Two things before we kick today off:
1. Byran, how did you ever part with this camera?
2. Does looking at these pictures make you want to live on the beach as much as it does for me?
I hope you get to do something that makes you smile today.
Have a great day :)
Hearts & Photos
photo a day,
vancouver island,
west coast
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