
Day 105

Happy Tuesday my dears!  Tonight we're finally (!!) watching Bill Cunningham New York and are so, so excited.  He's such a romantic figure- inspirational and visionary but also lives in a sort of self-imposed isolation.

I've seen the trailer about a thousand times and can't believe all the awesome interviews the producers managed to get.  Although, my favourite interview cameo ever was Mikhail Baryshnikov in the Annie Leibovitz documentary.  Who wouldn't give their right arm to photograph him in his studio??

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Day 104

It seems that as soon as the mercury drops into a range that only polar bears and penguins are familiar with, I bound out the door with my camera in hand, exhilarated by the way the crisp air seems to clean out our heavy winter lungs.  It's almost as exhilarating to see how fast I can get back into the house once my hands have turned to wind-chapped blocks and my camera is frozen so solid that it actually stops advancing.  But eventually everything thaws and I get this!

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Day 103

I've got two new somethings to show you guys!

Something No. 1- a LOMO sprocket rocket (which, I think, sounds vaguely dirty) with which to pervert perspective (we may as well keep the dirty ball rolling);

Something No. 2- I've started developing and scanning my own film!  This was actually a very long awaited project that I put off for years (years!) because I am a rather horrible chemist and the thought voluntarily putting myself back into the world of meniscuses, exact temperatures, getting the right step in the right order (!) was enough to make me ship off both my film and right arm to get someone else to do it.

But honestly, it wasn't hard at all, and it felt exactly like what I imagine it feels like to be a magician and pull a rabbit out of a hat.  Could it be?  Science = Magic? !  Oh dear.  I think I just blew my mind.  Or this could be an indicator to install some better ventilation in my darkroom.  You decide.

Have a great day!

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