Day 57
I'm being indecisive today, so you get to see lots of different shots!
-Calgary (Hasselblad- see the funny little ghost where my darkslide tried to make an escape? Ahh, film. I heart you.)
-Tofino (Leica)
- Victoria (Hasselblad Polaroid)
Make sure you check back on Monday for the mini-series I've been working on (does that sound like a tv show? I promise you it's not!).
I know it's only November 12, but the Nutcracker has already been getting some serious airtime at at our place. It can't be helped. And then, of course, the volume gets higher and higher and the music swells and you really must spin and jump as if you're a ballerina (or ballerino, as the case may be).
I would listen to it year-round if I didn't think Steve would drive off a cliff. Watching the Nutcracker is one of the things I look forward to the most every Christmas. When I was a kid I would stay up late on Christmas Eve and watch it on the teensy old television in my room, holding the bunny ears to get better reception.
What are your favourite holiday traditions?
Hearts & Photos
